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Post Cancer Care

Updated: Jan 22, 2019

The word cancer can easily cause a shiver. However, with the medical advances today, there are many survivors. According to the 2009 statistics from the National Cancer Institute SEER program, there are 12.5M people who have or have had cancer. That is about 4% of our population. Post cancer care aims to help these survivors live life more fully.

Recovering from cancer is more than just finishing the course of chemotherapy. As J Fields, Cancer Program Facilitator at the Harmony Hill Retreat Center, described it clearly -- Cancer has two parts, the disease and the trauma. To fully recover from cancer, we need to address both of these elements.

The potent cancer treatments often weaken the body. To rebuild physical strength, Dr. Mark Gignac, Naturopathic Oncologist at the Seattle Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center, suggested a program that would both rebuild strength as well as reduce recurrence rate. Patients should try to incorporate healthy eating, through good nutritional food and supplementation, and regular physical activities in their lifestyle.

Surviving cancer is a life changing experience. It is an awakening moment for many who would seek to reconnect with life and to search for the meaning of life. Post cancer care offers the spiritual support during this period. Some program even extends the care to the patients' families and caretakers as the disease usually takes a toll on everyone.

We cannot change history, but we can define the future. A practical parting note from our guests: Accept, move on and come back stronger. The power to heal is within us.Learn about programs that aim to restore the physical and psychological health of cancer survivors. Advices on how to live life more fully after the devastating disease.

Listen to broadcast 10/01/13

J. Fields, MA, LMFT, Cancer Program Facilitator; Gretchen Schodde, MN, ARNP, FNP-BC, Founder, Harmony Hill Retreat Center

Dr. Mark Gignac, ND, MSA, FABNO, Naturopathic Oncologist and Director of Integrated Medicine, Seattle Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center


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