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What Are You Doing to Save Our Environment?

Recently, a Wall Street Journal story shows how a little economic incentive can go a long way in saving our planet. Started in Jan 1, 2010, stores that sell food and alcohol in Washington DC are required to collect a 5-cent tax on disposable shopping bags, the Bag Tax. The proceeds are to be used to clean the Anacostia River. It turned out the 5-cent tax created a huge change in social behavior. Some stores reported a 75% drop in bag usage. Informal survey in sizable grocery stores and pharmacies estimated a drop of 60+%. That is the good. The bad is that the river clean-up collection is falling short of expectation. The ugly truth - we cannot have it both ways!

Small efforts do add up. Small ideas can generate great impact. I am sure many of you are doing your part every day to help the environment. I am inviting you to share your experiences and your ideas on how to green the earth with your fellow readers. We can do this one step at a time.

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