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Dominique Glaub, PhD

Message from
Dominique Glaub, PhD

As we enter into Spiritual Consciousness, we are naturally drawn to getting to know who we truly are, where we come from, and why we are here. As we open ourselves to our spiritual and mystical dimensions, all that matters is the desire to connect with Source, live our lives from our heart center as much as possible, and be of service to humanity.

What would your life feel like or be like if you were to get in touch with who you really are?…understand your soul evolutionary purpose and why you chose this life time around?…identify your soul lessons and put into practice what you came here to do?
How about piercing the veil separating this reality from other worlds or dimensions? Exploring significant past-lives? Making peace with death? Meeting your soul group where souls reside between incarnations? Communicate with your spirit guides? Access the wisdom of your spirit self?

As you embark on this alchemical journey toward Source, you will not only have an opportunity to experience the love and support of the spirit world and embrace your light, but also plunge into your own darkness for healing to take place.

As you face your fears, your wounds, your darkest emotions and release them from a place of understanding, compassion and self-forgiveness you will gradually bring your human and spirit selves to work together, in harmony, for a higher purpose.

In this process of deep inner transformation and soul work you will travel back into this life as well as other life times and/or other dimensions, find the root cause of a current issue or concern, identify its related lesson and free yourself from those old memories and karmic residues that keep you stuck and disconnected from your true Self.

As you bravely face your shadow, you will have an extraordinary opportunity to receive divine guidance and inspiration, experience the Oneness of life, proceed further on opening your heart center, and get to a place of Inner Awareness from where you may live in Truth and in Freedom.

If your sincere desire is to re-align your human and divine selves, find your own answers within, and be part of the current birthing of a new humanity, you will find on my website a program that fits your needs.

As a Spiritual Mentor/Coach, Soul Regression Therapist, Evolutionary Astrologer and Holistic Health Practitioner I bring more than 30 years of experience in the field of Transpersonal Therapy, Spiritual work and Consciousness raising.

Should you feel ready to explore your Soul Evolutionary Journey, or have any question, please e-mail me to request a Complimentary Phone or Audio-skype Interview so we may discuss how I can assist you.

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Contact Information

Dominique Glaub, Ph.D.
1818 Westlake Av. N. Ste 106
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 387-8384
For more information or to request a Complimentary Phone Interview, please go to my website at:

Related Categories
Emotional Release Work
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Past Lives Therapy
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Tools

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