Our Partners

Nancy Rivard, President, Airline Ambassadors
Prompted by the death of her father, Nancy left a management track with American Airlines to begin a profound search for meaning. She founded Airline Ambassadors in 1996 for flight attendants to use pass privileges to help children....an initiative that has expanded to travelers from all backgrounds to match their unique interests and skills to actual world need, - traveling to make a difference. Since correctly identifying trafficking on four flights in 2009, AAI has spearheaded industry awareness on the issue of human trafficking.
Nancy has a Masters Degree in Public Administration and retired as a flight attendant for American Airlines in 2013. Under her leadership, the group has hand-delivered $60 million of aid to 62 countries and escorted 3,000 children for life changing medical care impacting 500,000 children. AAI has also provided 131 human trafficking awareness training's at airports.
Nancy and Airline Ambassadors have received dozens of Awards and been featured in 172 TV features, 410 print and 112 radio features since their inception.

Leon McLaughlin, Founder, CEO, President Clean Water Foundation
McLaughlin, a native of Cleveland, arrived in Seattle more than three decades ago. In the mid 1990’s, he started selling coffee machines into Canada. The coffee business, combined with trips to various locations around the globe, got McLaughlin interested in one of the key ingredients to coffee – safe, clean water. McLaughlin was struck by how much of the world didn’t have reliable supply of safe water, whether for drinking, cooking, or even brewing coffee.
McLaughlin saw a compelling global need for safe, clean water. He started researching the issue and earned a degree in water management. From there, he created his own company, the LAM, LLC, the predecessor to the Clean Water Foundation), to deliver water to developing countries and areas hit by natural disasters such as floods or hurricanes.
McLaughlin came up with an approach elegant in its simplicity. Like a child’s Lego® set, McLaughlin envisioned a water purification system that could be snapped together like the plastic blocks, not dependent upon written instructions, that could be assembled and put into operations anywhere in the world. He identified US manufacturers of purification equipment, piping, water bags for storage, and individual containers so children could get fresh, clean water at a school or hospital and take it back to their families.
To learn more about McLaughlin and the Clean Water Foundation, visit https://cleanwaterfoundationwa.org/ .

Tsering Lodoe
Tsering Lodoe was born into a Tibetan refugee family in India and studied at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA) in Dharamsala, which was established under His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s guidance.
Lodoe continued his affiliation with TIPA for more than 23 years, earning advanced degrees in all aspects of traditional Tibetan music and performing arts.
Lodoe was the lead singer on the soundtrack in the internationally acclaimed film “Himalaya,” and can also be heard on the sound track of “Seven Years in Tibet.” He has sung for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Pope John Paul II.
Lodoe has pledged to help spread the message of the vital need for clean safe water on indigenous reservations and homelands. He also wants to explore and re-kindle the long-lost connection between the Hopi and the Tibetan community
prophesied over 1,200 years ago by a great Tibetan Master.