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Water Is . . . an Invitation to Share

Please help support our fundraising efforts to purchase and install water filters to provide clean, safe drinking water on the Hopi and Navajo reservations.


Learn more: (Plans to expand into the Navajo reservation with similar issues).


Bigger picture:  tsering-lodoe-and-the-prophecy-of-ancient-tibet/

Access to clean safe drinking water is the most vital human right. In sharing this message, we hope you will assist us in illustrating how water is not only a vital primary resource, but also a primary source of JOY.




Please submit “FEEL GOOD” images or short video (6 second limit please), illustrating and reminding us how wonderful water is to see, feel and experience.


Examples - Jumping into a lake, pouring water into a tea kettle, pets, children, or animals playing in water etc.…

We will start posting 10 minute “montages”, using the images/videos that are sent to us. We hope these YouTube videos will help raise awareness, and much needed donations.

Let it F.L.O.W. For Love Of Water

To Submit your image or short video click here

You will be asked to electronically sign a release form:

"Airline Ambassadors has my permission to use the videos and images I provide for fundraising purposes ONLY, to help provide safe clean drinking water to the Hopi and Navajo Tribes. Any other use of these videos or images is strictly prohibited without my prior additional consent."



Life Joy Fun Adventure Play Happy Sport Refreshing The Main Ingredient


Nourishing Sustaining Growth Restorative Relaxing Tranquil Therapeutic


Mesmerizing Soothing Cleansing Healing Brilliant Reflective Meditative


Beautiful Rainbows Art Buoyant Fluid Flowing Ripples Bubbles Waves


Streams Rivers Oceans Lakes Puddles Ponds Creeks Waterfalls Showers


Baths Rain Snow Ice Clouds Crystals Mist Dew Powerful Transportation


Energy Consciousness Sacred Baptismal  Memory Tears  US

  © Natural Choice Network | Sedona Spotlight 1996-2024 | Lacey, WA  |   Phone 360-328-1383

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