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The Recology Store

Message from
The Recology Store

Recology is a 90-year old company, a pioneer in waste reduction and recovery, and one of the largest operators of material recovery and organics processing facilities in the western US. Our vision is to see a world without waste, where resources are used and re-used in a sustainable ecosystem that strives for their best and highest use.

We are committed to bringing Waste Zero to reality. To support our vision, we opened the Recology Stores. Our Recology Stores are eco-friendly retail centers with unique home products and gifts that encourage waste reduction. 50% of our products are made with recycled materials, 50% are made in the US, and 90% of them can be recycled at the end of their life.

The Recology Stores are staffed by a team of recycling experts who can answer any questions you may have about recycling or composting, and happily give tours to small groups upon request. Be sure to check our website for a list of all the recycling you can bring in as well! To help minimize materials sent to the landfills, we accept items for recycling that cannot be put into curbside recycling carts. We divert thousands of gallons of Styrofoam, and hundreds of fluorescent bulbs, computers, and computer accessories every month.

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Contact Information

Issaquah, Burien & Bothell WA
Issaquah: 425.392.0285
Highline: 206.246.5669
Bothell: 425.398.8612

Related Categories
Environmental Products
Environmental Services
Gifts & Greeting Cards
Recycled Products
Recycling & Waste Reduction
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