Practitioners and retail outlets that promote body-mind health practices. Find psychotherapists, life coaches and counselors, yoga studios, spiritual centers, educational resources, and more.
ADD & Learning Disability |
Addiction Treatment & Smoking Cessation |
Art-Spiritual, Visionary and Sacred |
Aura & Chakra Balancing |
Bookstores |
Ceremonies: Weddings, Funerals, Etc |
Channeling |
Churches |
Counseling - Business |
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Counseling - Grief |
Counseling - Holistic |
Counseling - Marriage/Relationship |
Counseling - Mind/Body |
Counseling - Spiritual |
Crystals, Gemstones & Jewelries |
Dance & Movement |
Depression Treatment |
Emotional Release Work |
Energy and Space Clearing |
Events |
Events - Fairs & Expos |
Hypnotherapy |
Life Coaches |
Media: Books, Music, Broadcast |
Meditation |
Metaphysics |
Mind-Body Medicine |
Music & Sound Therapy |
Neurolinguistic Programming - NLP |
Past Lives Therapy |
Personal Growth Trainings |
Psychics |
Psychotherapy |
Retreats |
Schools - Colleges & Education Ctrs |
Shamanism |
Spiritual Centers |
Spiritual Healing |
Spiritual Tools |
Stress & Anxiety Management |
Workshops - Mind & Spirit |
Yoga Instruction |
Yoga Products & Supplies |
ADD & Learning Disability
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is also commonly referred to as ADD. Those with the disorder exhibit long-term excessive distractibility, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity. The disorder affects both children and adults in their daily lives at school, home, work or social settings. ADHD is likely caused by biological factors which influence neurotransmitter activity in certain parts of the brain. Research suggests that genetic is a factor. Treatment may involve medication, behavior and cognitive therapies that help to develop coping skills and adaptive behaviors. (source: Attention Deficit Disorder Association)