Mining by outside interests have been poisoning the well water on the Hopi reservation for decades. Natural springs are also starting to dry up, undermining sacred sites on the Hopi and the Navaho reservations. Hear the status on Clean Water of Washington’s ongoing effort to provide water purification filters designed to remove the Arsenic 3, Arsenic 5 and Uranium found in their drinking water. Fundraising concerts with notable musicians, artist and dancers are on-going, as many tribes are faced with similar circumstances. Find out how you can help support the movement to “let it F.L.O.W.” For Love of Water.December 8th – Concert with the Rumba Kings and High Children (No cover - Donations Please) Paragon on Queen Ann
Listen to Broadcast 12/04/18
Ernest Tahoe, Hopi tribe water and sanitation specialist
Leon McLaughlin Founder Clean Water Foundation