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Holistic Senior Care

Updated: Jan 22, 2019

Recently, we have a very interesting, and yet disturbing, conversation on our current state of senior care. Our guests Karen Hurley and Erin Moody were both driven to natural geriatric care by their career and personal experiences.

With an aging population and the growing interest in natural healthcare, one would expect that holistic and natural geriatric care is readily available. But that is far from the truth. The lack of such care is largely due to, according to our guests, the lack of health insurance that covers these services. While some private insurance plans are expanding into this area, Medicare which covers 15% of our total population (2011 Census) does not offer such options. Many senior care facilities would even stop patients from taking natural supplements due to a lack of knowledge about these supplements and their potential impacts on other medications.

What are your thoughts about the current state of geriatric care in this country? Let your voice be heard.A discussion of natural, sustainable and holistic health care options for our growing senior population.

Listen to broadcast 09/03/13

Karen Hurley, ND, Bastyr Center for Natural Health

Erin Moody, Owner, Holistic Adult Family Home


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