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Kinetic Acupuncture


Kinetic acupuncture is an integrative therapeutic approach that combines movement with acupuncture. It is a highly effective treatment, used to increase range of motion in the spine, pelvis and other joints. Kinetic acupuncture needling is performed at locomotor points throughout the body. While needles are in place, the patient performs range of motion activities, or functional movements, which helps to restore proper function to the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the injured areas.

Unlike a traditional acupuncture assessment, kinetic acupuncture is performed based on an evaluation of the kinetic chain. This involves range of motion and functional movement screens. Once these impaired movement patterns are identified, the treatment is designed to restore range of motion and optimum movement. The treatment is specific to a patient's particular pattern of dysfunction.

A Kinetic Acupuncture Session

During kinetic acupuncture treatments, the patient does not lay still on a table for 15-30 minutes after the acupuncture needles are inserted. Rather, movement of the affected area is performed either by the patient or doctor. These movements or positions are performed to provoke, treat and rehabilitate the painful area. Movements are tailored for each individual's specific dysfunction.

Benefits of Kinetic Acupuncture

Kinetic acupuncture can provide instant muscle relaxation and pain relief for both acute and chronic conditions. Corrective home exercises are prescribed that reinforce the treatment, speed up the recovery and reduce and eventually prevent the reoccurrence of the problem.

While many people experience immediate relief, the response to treatment may vary depending on a person's general state of health and the length of time they have had their condition. Kinetic acupuncture is effective for:

Neck and back painShoulder tendonitisTennis and Golfer's ElbowRepetitive strain syndromesHip painKnee tendonitisPlantar fasciitisSprain/strain injuries

Dr. Lecovin practices kinetic acupuncture, as well as chiropractic and naturopathic medicine, at Evergreen Integrative Medicine in Bellevue, Washington.


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