Our mind informs our body; and our body informs our mind, explains Dr. Johnson, our guest of the week. With this 2-way connection, we can consciously control our physiological functions to affect our health positively.
In biofeedback, medical instruments are used to measure the patient's physiological functions, such as muscle tension, which may be a cause of discomfort. Armed with this knowledge, that is the feedback, the patient can learn to change his actions, thus releasing the health symptoms. Dr. Johnson equates this to a driver using the readings from his odometer to adjust his driving speed. Overtime, the practice of adjusting bodily functions can teach the body to reset itself back to balance. Biofeedback is commonly used for stress management, and treatment for headache and TMJ.
Biofeedback therapy was initially used for peripheral analysis. The technique has evolved. Nowadays, neurofeedback, which involved monitoring the brain activities as a means of feedback, is being used to treat behavioral based issues, such as trauma.
Biofeedback and neurofeedback evoke our innate power of healing. The therapies are now used to treat many conditions, noted Dr. Johnson, such as countering the side effects of cancer treatment, and sleep disorders. Athletes are also using therapies to help improve performance.
This new year, instead of looking for resolutions, try evolution. Help your body and mind evolve to achieve optimal wellbeing. A discussion of what biofeedback is and how it can help to improve health and achieve optimal wellbeing.
Listen to broadcast 01/28/14
Margo Johnson, RN, PhD, Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Services, President Emeritus of Biofeedback Society of Washington State