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Support Your Immune System Naturally!

How to stay healthy, by supporting your Immune System Naturally!

It’s never been more important to pay attention to nutrition, lifestyle and attitude than NOW. Hear how to optimize your health naturally, especially during the fall and winter months while this pandemic and side effects are still very present. How we think is also critical in supporting our immune systems, so stay playful and positive to promote and sustain optimal health.

Here are a few additional links for more information:

Tips on How to Support Your Immune System | Natural Grocers If you’re looking to keep your immune system in tip-top shape this year, eating a healthy, nutrient-dense diet, limiting sugar, getting adequate sleep, and reducing stress should be top of mind. In addition, good hygiene practices such as washing your hands often and for the necessary length of time (at least 20 seconds, or two rounds of Happy Birthday) and resisting the temptation to touch ...

Nicolette Severa, NHC | Natural Grocers Nicolette Severa earned her Bachelor of Science in Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics from California Polytechnic University, Pomona. She also completed graduate work in Education at Point Loma Nazarene University. As a Nutritional Health Coach for Natural Grocers, she is an advocate for improving health through better nutrition. Nicolette is passionate about contributing to her community through ...

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