The following article was written by Nickolas Vassili, President of American Healthcare Revolution. Nickolas Vassili is also the author of “Monument To Failure” which is a comprehensive study of the American healthcare system. He also practices as a clinical hypnotherapist and counselor in Queen Anne.
We must hereafter refer to our work and commitment to healthcare reform as a movement (just like the Civil Rights Movement).Full scale mobilization leading up to the March on Washington and National Healthcare Observation Day will begin by acknowledging that our foremost organizational objective is to eliminate fragmentation and create unity and solidarity among all factions of healthcare reform.The various proposals/measures/bills such as HR 1200 and HR 676, as well as a new G.I. Bill of Rights, must be presented to the public as a complete package called The National Healthcare Rights Act, and it must be spelled out and articulated in a written and spoken language that will not sound or appear legalistic and complicated.
To accomplish this task, we must make a bold and unprecedented move that will unite the country behind this single National Healthcare Rights Act. To do this, we are organizing a 5 - 7 day National Healthcare conference that will be held in early February in Seattle. At this time, hundreds of healthcare advocates from around the country - not politicians! - will come together to examine and debate all of the current healthcare reform proposals, measures, bills, being presented in various states and by presidential nominees. Then they will piece together a single piece of legislation - THE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE RIGHTS ACT - a proposal that will be presented to the public on the day of the March on Washington. This single bill will represent the will of the American people - not of the politicians who would otherwise compromise any hope of meaningful healthcare reform.
Rather than getting into policy debates, we must first engage people by expressing our healthcare reform goals in terms of core values such as "It's wrong for people to die for lack of healthcare. All Americans deserve good healthcare, especially when our children's future and our economy depend on it... because a healthy nation is a strong nation.Our timetable must take into account the 2008 National Political Conventions, the pre-election campaigns, the November election, and the next Congress which will be called upon to endorse and enact those measures that make up the National Healthcare Rights Act.To ensure bipartisan support, on the day of the March, we will issue healthcare REPORT CARDS to every politician before and after the elections - giving the American public the responsibility of handing out passing or failing grades accordingly.The National Healthcare Observation Day (which will coincide with the National Healthcare March on Washington, D.C.) will call upon all Americans to make the following personal healthcare commitments: One million Americans will commit to beginning and maintaining an adequate exercise program.Two million Americans will commit to stop driving recklessly and to maintain a high standard of courtesy and respect for all other drivers and pedestrians.Three million Americans will commit to losing enough weight to reach their appropriate levels.Four million Americans will commit to stop using unnecessary prescription and over-the-counter drugs.Five million Americans will stop smoking.
Collaterally, as part of the National Healthcare Observation Day, various professions and organizations will support the following healthcare initiatives:
Physicians will tell the American public to stop smoking, to stop paying attention to false drug advertisements and to disclaim any support for dishonest and misleading slogans such as "Ask your doctor about XXXXX.
"Gun clubs throughout America (in spite of the NRA), will urge all gun owners to secure their weapons and keep them away from children.All military veterans and veteran organizations will call for A NEW GI BILL OF RIGHTS for returning war veterans.
Millions of healthcare workers, volunteers, and professionals, will join in solidarity with the marchers and participants to support the proposed National Healthcare Rights Act. Various city and state organizations taking part in the overall event shall hold fund-raising events beginning in the fall of 2007. Starting in Seattle, which will be the central headquarters of the National Healthcare March (until such time when we establish a base camp in Washington, D.C.), we shall hold benefit concerts as part of the kick-off to event preparations.There will also be a wide range of fund-raising activities involving every landscape of the arts and entertainment world.
The National Healthcare Conference in Seattle, and the March on Washington and the National Healthcare Observation Day will demonstrate the will of the people - and serve notice on both political parties that... WE ALL DESERVE GUARANTEED AFFORDABLE QUALITY HEALTHCARE - AND THIS TIME NO ONE WILL STOP US FROM GETTING IT! SO JOIN WITH ALL AMERICA IN SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE RIGHTS ACT OF 2008-2009. THE TIME HAS ARRIVED! For more information, sign up for the American Healthcare Revolution's weekly healthcare newsletter at, or contact me at(206) 284-3131 or
The American Healthcare Rights Act can happen! We can make it happen! We must make it happen!Let's go!!!