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Three Benefits of Developing your Intuition in these Challenging Times

Three benefits of developing your intuition is a way of living that allows you to remain calm in the midst of chaos, fear, and laughter.  Developing this innate ability is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.  In troubled times your intuition can show you the way forward.

I have enjoyed the benefits of intuition as a way of life.  It has been an interesting one and continues to be while fulfilling my dreams, from traveling and meeting wonderful people on this walk.  This intuitive path is always there and opens to anyone who develops this natural ability.

Let this short article help you begin your walk.  As I sit here looking out over a valley on this warm sunny day, I feel so blessed to be right here right now and sharing this information with you.  Most people blow off simple steps as not being valuable.  I was one of those, until as I saw over and over again the things I wanted started to manifest — like my love of travel, manifesting free trips and meeting people who changed my life.  Every day has become an adventure.  I invite you on this journey.

Here are Three Benefits of Intuition

  1.  People who develop their intuition take time to enjoy life’s moments.  They slow down to the speed of being present and hear what others are saying.  There is deep listening to being heard.

  2.  The ability to be patient while manifesting becomes inner peace.  Knowing inner peace allows the intuitive to understand there is movement, even in the presence of no forward motion.

  3. While hearing the voice of intuition, there is an urge to do this or go to a different way home. Increased confidence is experienced while using intuition and decisive actions are made.

Opening to Intuition

Opening to intuition begins with quieting your mind and body.   It is in the quiet that intuition can be heard the best.  Take several deep breaths – if you can do this outside it is better.  Think of an easy question you would like an answer to, or that you already know.  You are building trust.  Start small and slowly build trust and confidence.  The same way you build relationships, small steps, and sharing.

  • Breathe in – to a count of 3, Hold 3, Exhale 3.

  • Now ask your question.

  • How did the answer come to you?  Was it a feeling, a flash of insight, or did you hear something?

  • Now practice and record your outcomes.

The Path of Intuition

The path of intuition is filled with many wonderful walks to an amazing way of life.  This journey will last a lifetime, and as you begin to harness this natural gift it becomes a beautiful part of being human.  As you deepen the connection to your spirit and environment, you begin to experience a new rhythm.  The path of intuition is an inner dance with your vibration and frequency.

Being relaxed and open is the start of this path of intuition.  Think for a moment about a day where projects worked out easily – or on vacation just being present and open – and how what you wanted just seemed to be there.  It was as though you were lead from one success to another.

That is alignment.  It is like you know what to do and when while enjoying a ride.  Having no resistance to the outcome is a sign that your inner belief has now become a mindset that provides you the inner resources to accomplish your dreams.

Use the above steps to help you today and every day.

Enjoy the benefits,

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