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The 80:20 Bus-Healthy Holiday Eating

The holidays are right around the corner, and with it comes breaking bread and having meals with family and friends, often times coming together for an annual gathering. These are special times, (albeit sometimes stressful times too).

I guide most of my patients on keeping particular dietary guidelines during treatment and beyond, EXCEPT around the holidays.

Now I do not advocate going wild and having a soda and Bearclaw for breakfast, but what I do know is that sharing food that is offered and prepared with love is good for your soul and because of that can be helpful for your immune system. When we are happy and content, when we have a sense of familiar we feel good. Gathering around dinners or meals are some of the best ways to feel normal.

What I suggest to my patients is to try to keep to dietary guidelines 80% of time. The rest break bread, eat a slice of grandmother's special pie or casserole that you loved as a kid. 

Enjoy your loved ones, and feed your soul.

Re-posted with permission by Dr. Lisa A. Price, ND


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